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Brazilian real to US Dollar in Central

Live exchange rate for Brazilian real to US Dollar in Central, today, Sunday, 08-12-2024 22:49.

Buy 0.167

Sell 0.166

Change 0

Last Price Yesterday = 0.167 US Dollar

Central Currency Converter


1 BRL = 0.1665 USD

US Dollar

The US dollar is the official currency of the United States of America. It is widely recognized as a global reserve currency and is used for international trade and financial transactions. The US dollar is symbolized by the "$" sign and is subdivided into cents.

BRL to USD in Central

1 BRL 0.17 USD
100 BRL 16.65 USD
500 BRL 83.25 USD
1000 BRL 166.5 USD
2000 BRL 333 USD
3000 BRL 499.5 USD
5000 BRL 832.5 USD
7000 BRL 1,165.5 USD
10000 BRL 1,665 USD
50000 BRL 8,325 USD