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Pound Sterling to Turkish lira in Central

Live exchange rate for Pound Sterling to Turkish lira in Central, today, Sunday, 08-12-2024 22:35.

Buy 44.431

Sell 44.212

Change 0

Last Price Yesterday = 44.431 Turkish lira

Central Currency Converter


1 GBP = 44.4314 TRY

Pound Sterling

Pound Sterling, commonly referred to as the British Pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom and its territories. It is denoted by the symbol "£" and is one of the oldest and most widely traded currencies in the world. Pound Sterling is recognized for its stability and is used for various transactions, both domestically and internationally. It holds a significant role in global finance and is accepted in many countries as a reserve currency.

GBP to TRY in Central

1 GBP 44.43 TRY
5 GBP 222.16 TRY
10 GBP 444.31 TRY
25 GBP 1,110.79 TRY
50 GBP 2,221.57 TRY
100 GBP 4,443.14 TRY
150 GBP 6,664.71 TRY
200 GBP 8,886.28 TRY
250 GBP 11,107.85 TRY
300 GBP 13,329.42 TRY
500 GBP 22,215.7 TRY
700 GBP 31,101.98 TRY
1000 GBP 44,431.4 TRY